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A linguist in Stawley Primary School will:

  • have a curiosity in language learning so that they see it as something that is both enjoyable and stimulating.
  • are able to recognise and apply key vocabulary within conversations and are challenged in a range of speaking and listening, reading and writing activities.
  • build on their previous knowledge as they progress in their foreign language journey through the primary phase. Previous language is recycled, revised, recalled and consolidated whenever possible and appropriate.
  • leave us with a strong understanding of what it means to be a global citizen, including the importance of tolerance and understanding. 

Curriculum Documents

We aim to provide through high quality teaching and learning experiences every child with the key knowledge and transferrable skills they require to achieve in all subjects and develop a love of learning which will be with them for their whole life.

The documents below outline how we do this for French:

Please note that with mixed age classes we may shift topics around and utilise further resources to enhance this subject.